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中國創新投資有限公司(「中國創新」,港股代號為: 1217)於2002年2月7日在開曼群島註冊成立,並於2002年8月28日在香港聯合交易所主板上市,股份代號為:1217,乃是香港為數不多專注投資行業之投資公司。
在「新能源」方面,本公司投資於太陽創建有限公司(「太陽香港」)。太陽香港以蓄電專利技術為核心,制定「生產一代、 研發一代、預研一代」之發展戰略,研發、生產太陽能光電一體系統。
「新光源」方面,本公司投資於唯美視界有限公司(「唯美香港」)。唯美香港以LED照明為主要產品,具有LED人機工程技 術,並以 LED 光源、適當光通量、任意色溫、健康光譜、符合人機工程學為特點。
(a) 本公司之首要投資目標為透過投資於主要位於香港及中國之上市和非上市企業(換言之倘本公司作出投資時,最少有70%之本公司投資將在香港及中國進行),爭取中長期資本增值。其次,倘董事會認為投資於其他國家可為本公司提供可觀回報時,本公司亦有可能如此行事;
(b) 通常會投資在從事包括(但不限於)資訊科技、電訊、製造、服務、物業、基建、生命科學與環境等不同行業之上市及非上市公司之股權相關證券及債務票據,使本公司在不同行業之風險取得平衡,從而將任何個別行業表現下滑時對本公司造成之影響減至最低;
(c) 通常會投資於各行各業中根基穩固而且董事會相信具有長遠增長前景之公司。本公司特別著意物色具備盈利增長潛質、管理優良、擁有尖端科技知識及研發實力雄厚,而且管理層對公司長期增長作出承諾之業務或實體。本公司亦可能投資於董事或投資經理認為屬特別或處於復甦期之公司或其他實體。董事會相信,現時之市況提供多種既獨特又具吸引力之投資機會;
(d) 在可能之情況下,董事會或投資經理會物色可與本公司之投資以及其他所投資公司相輔相承,以及可使該等公司從合作中彼此受惠之投資項目;
(e) 本公司所持投資均以中至長期資本增值為目標,同時期望獲得利息與股息收入。然而,當董事會不時認為將投資項目變現是符合本公司之最佳利益時,或該等變現之條款特別有利本公司時,董事會不時變現該等投資;
(f) 本公司可作出借貸為投資融資,惟貸款額與本公司現有借貸相加之總額不得超過借貸當日之最近期公佈資產淨值之50%,以及本公司可將其資產抵押或質押以擔保所得借貸;
(g) 本公司可訂立遠期利率協議、有關利率及債券之期貨合約、利率掉期及可買入和發出(賣出)利率認沽或認購期權,以及利率期貨之認沽或認購期權。本公司僅會在認可之證券交易所及純粹為對沖風險之目的而進行期權及期貨買賣。本公司無意買入或發出(賣出)衍生工具;
(h) 本公司不會買賣商品、商品合約或貴金屬,然而本公司或會買賣以商品或貴金屬作抵押之股市指數及證券期貨合約;
(i) 在物色到合適之投資項目前,本公司可能藉將現金資產存作任何貨幣之銀行存款、持有美國政府或香港政府或彼等各自之授權機構所發行之債券或國庫券、或由其他政府或國際性官方機構所發行並以任何貨幣列值之證券或其他金融工具,以保障其現金資產。
China Innovation Investment Limited (the “Company”, Stock Code: 1217), one of the few investment companies in Hong Kong focusing on the investment industry, was incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability on 7 February 2002, and listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the Stock Exchange) on 28 August 2002.
The Company is an investment company under Chapter 21 of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the Listing Rules). Its principal investment objective is to achieve medium-term capital appreciation by investing in listed and unlisted companies.
The Company is one of the few investment companies in Hong Kong focusing investment. We invest in listed and non-listed companies with high quality to strive for medium-term gains from capital appreciation in the course of securitisation of corporate assets invested, and apply the same as our key operation strategy and income source.
Leveraging on our investment experience and well-connected network in the Mainland market over years, the Company recently invested in charge storage products, lighting products, energy-saving materials, health communications and asset management respectively through its investment. With energy conservation as our development goal, our investments have achieved breakthroughs in realizing the five industries of “New Energy”, “New Light”, “New Materials”, "New Health" and "New Capital" in real projects.
For “New Energy”, the Company invests in Topsun Creation Limited (“Topsun”), which adopts the power reserve patent technology as its own core to develop the strategy of “Production — Research — Preliminary Research” for the research and manufacturing of solar photovoltaic system.
For “New Light”, the Company invests in Aesthetic Vision Limited (“Aesthetic”). Aesthetic’s major product is LED lighting. It possesses of LED ergonomics technology with features including LED illuminant, appropriate light flux, free colour temperature, healthy spectrum and compliance to ergonomics.
For “New Materials”, the Company invests in United Crown Future Company Limited (“United Overseas ”). Being the pioneer in the new energy-saving wall industry in China market, United Overseas mainly specialises in research and development of energy-saving materials for walls with features of energy saving and environmental protection, which are widely used in the field of construction and decoration.
For "New Health", the Company invested in FengTian Capital Limited ("FengTian"). Fengtian holds the solution of health communication products (health mobile phones) and the copyright of big children's animation series, specializing in health communication products and developing new health industries.
For “New Capital”, the Company invested in Grand Far Sky Limited ("Grand Far Sky"). Grand Far Sky is engaged in the asset management business of providing four new industries, providing solutions for innovative companies to increase revenue and reduce costs, and at the same time obtain management benefits.
Being dedicated to outline a completed innovative industry chain, the Company is actively seeking more investment opportunities to build a greener low-carbon living.
Looking forward, the Company will continue to explore the investment opportunities to achieve medium-term capital appreciation.
The Company has adopted the following investment policies.
(a) the Company’s primary investment objective is to achieve medium to long-term capital appreciation by investing in listed and unlisted companies mainly in Hong Kong and the PRC (this means that at least 70% of the Company’s investments (if and when they are made) will be made in Hong Kong and the PRC). To a lesser extent, the Company may also invest in other countries should the Board of Directors consider that such investments would provide attractive returns to the Company.
(b) investments will normally be made in the form of equity-related securities and debt instruments in listed and unlisted companies engaged in industries including (but not limited to) information technology, telecommunications, manufacturing, service, property, infrastructure, life science and environmental sectors to maintain a balance in the Company’s exposure to different industry sectors in order to minimize the impact on the Company in the event of any downturn in any particular sector;
(c) investments will normally be made in companies that have long been established in the respective fields which they operate in and in companies which the Board believes there to be prospects of long-term growth. In particular, the Company will seek to identify businesses or entities with profit growth potentials, strong management, high level of technical expertise and research and development capabilities as well as management who are committed to long-term growth. The Company may also invest in companies or other entities which are considered by the Board or the Investment Manager as being special or which are in recovery situations. The Board believes that the current market conditions offer various special and attractive investment opportunities;
(d) where possible, the Board or the Investment Manager would seek to identify investments where there will be synergy between the investments and the other investee companies in which the Company has invested and where co-operation between such companies would be of mutual benefit to each other;
(e) the Company’s investments are primarily intended to be held for medium to long term capital growth as well as for income streams of interests and dividends. Nevertheless, the Board of Directors will from time to time realize investments where they believe that realisation would be in the best interests of the Company or where the terms of such realization are particularly favorable to the Company;
(f) the Company may seek borrowings to finance an investment provided that such borrowings when aggregated with the existing borrowings of the Company do not exceed 50% of the latest available Net Asset Value at the time the borrowing is made and the Company may charge or pledge its assets as security for borrowings;
(g) the Company may hedge against interest rate risks by entering into forward interest rate agreements, interest rates and bond futures contracts, interest rate swaps, and may purchase and write or sell, put or call options on interest rates and put or call options on futures on interest rates. The Company will only engage in transactions in options and futures which are traded on recognized securities or futures exchanges and for the purpose of hedging only. The Company has no intention to purchase, write or sell derivatives;
(h) the Company may not buy or sell commodities, commodity contracts or precious metals, except that it may purchase and sell futures contracts on stock indices and securities which are secured by commodities or precious metals;
(i) before suitable investment projects are identified, the Company may seek to protect the capital value of the Company’s cash assets by placing the same in bank deposits in any currency, bonds or treasury securities issued by the government of the United States or the government of Hong Kong, or their respective agencies or securities or other instruments denominated in any currency issued by various governments or international government agencies.
Investors should note that while it is the intention of the Company to invest its funds in accordance with the investment objectives and policies outlines above as far as practicable subject to market and other investment considerations, it may take some time before the funds of the Company are fully invested.
Copyright © 2002 - 2024中國創新投資有限公司China Innovation Investment Limited. All rights reserved.