• 執行董事




    安静女士 (「安女士」),1972年出生,本公司獨立非執行董事及本公司審核委員會主席、薪酬委員會主席和提名委員會成員。安女士持有河南財經學院經濟學士學位,為中國註冊會計師協會執業會員,並為北京正清和會計師事務所之首席合夥人。安女士擁有超過20年會計及審計經驗。安女士於2020年2月加入本公司。 








    Mr. Xiang Xin (“Mr. Xiang”), born in 1963, is the chairman of the Board, the chief executive officer and an executive director of the Company. Mr. Xiang had worked in a number of large organisations in the PRC, engaged in technology project management and corporate strategy research for a long time and possessed many years of experience in project investment and information technology businesses. Mr. Xiang holds a bachelor’s degree in science and a master’s degree in engineering from Nanjing University of Science & Technology. Currently Mr. Xiang acts as the chairman of China Technology Education Trust Association, the chairman of the board and an executive director of Elife Holdings Limited (HKEX Stock Code: 223), which is listed on the main board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, and is the chairman of the board, chief executive officer and an executive director of China Trends Holdings Limited, a public company regulated by The Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong. Mr. Xiang joined the Company in January 2003.

    Mr. Chan Cheong Yee (“Mr. Chan”), born in 1964, holds a bachelor’s degree of science majoring in finance and he is a registered and licensed person under the Securities and Futures Ordinance to carry on regulated activities in advising on securities and undertaking asset management. Mr. Chan is currently the managing director of Sinolink Securities (Hong Kong) Company Limited and has been in the financial and investment field for over 30 years. Mr. Chan is directly involved in identifying investment opportunities, conducting due diligence, performing valuation, monitoring performance of investment portfolios and providing investment and divestment recommendations. Mr. Chan is an executive director of China Investment and Finance Group Limited, executive director of Capital Realm Financial Holdings Group Limited, executive director of Capital VC Limited, executive director of China New Economy Fund Limited and executive director of Goldstone Capital Group Limited, which are listed on the main board respectively, and also the executive director of China Trends Holding Limited, which is a public company regulated by The Securities and Futures Commission. Mr. Chan joined the Company in June 2003.


    Ms. An Jing (“Ms. An”), born in 1972, is an independent non-executive Director of the Company and the chairman of the Audit Committee, the chairman of the Remuneration Committee and a member of the Nomination Committee of the Company. Ms. An holds bachelor’s degree in economics from Henan University of Finance and Economics. Ms. An is a practicing member of The Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the senior partner of 北京正清和會計師事務所 (transliterated as Beijing Zhengqinghe CPA Accounting Firm). Ms. An has over 20 years of experience in accounting and auditing industry. Ms. An joined the Company in February 2020.


    Ms. Zhou Zan (“Ms. Zhou”), born in 1970, is an independent non-executive Director of the Company and is a member of the audit committee, the remuneration committee and the nomination committee of the Company. Ms. Zhou is currently a partner of Jenhoi Law Firm, a law firm in the PRC. Ms. Zhou graduated from the Faculty of Law of Xiamen University in 1991. Ms. Zhou holds a bachelor degree in Law. Ms. Zhou’s practice area including corporate mergers and acquisitions, restructuring, foreign investment, economy and civil litigation and arbitration, criminal proceedings etc. Ms. Zhou joined the Company in January 2018.


    Ms. Qin Han (“Ms. Qin”), born in 1983, is an independent non-executive Director of the Company, a member of the Audit Committee and a member of the Remuneration Committee of the Company. Ms. Qin holds bachelor’s degree in Engineering Management from Wuhan University, master’s degree in Management Science and Engineering from Wuhan University, and PhD in Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering from The University of Hong Kong. Ms. Qin has served as the independent non-executive Director of China Trends Holdings Limited and has rich experience in areas such as coordination and communication, strategic planning, organizational management, and corporate culture. Ms. Qin joined the Company in January 2023.


    Ms. Kung Ching (“Ms. Kung”), born in 1969, graduated from Nanjing University of Science and Technology and holds a MBA from the University of South Australia. Ms. Kung worked for large organisations in China, such as China National Defense Science and Technology Information Centre and CITIC International Cooperation Limited, engaged in technology management and economic management for many years. Ms. Kung is the spouse of Mr. Xiang, and is an alternate director to Mr. Xiang in China Trends Holdings Limited, a public company regulated by The Securities and Futures Commission. Ms. Kung joined the Company in October 2012.